Saturday, February 16, 2013

Today, Friday February Fifteenth

It's actually Saturday the Sixteenth. So technically this is my post for yesterday. I didn't post one on the proper date but I fell asleep early and woke up early, at 3am to be exact. To the sound of DeVotchKa on pandora. Little Miss Sunshine. A nickname I've been given on occasion. Synchronicity. So here's my post.

My brain hurts from deep thinking today. Literally. I caused myself a headache cycling through plans of what's to come, how my future's going to play out. Has this ever happened to you? It's intense. I like it.

I have a plan. Now for the follow through. Execute. Life is best when driven. This commercial comes on pandora daily. I'm into it. It's true. It's advertising Fiats. I'll plug them here for at least adding an inspiring quote to their annoying ad. 

I drive a VW Jetta just like the one in the picture. It has electrical issues. I've known it since I got it but for the most part ignore them. Not that big a deal. It's a cute car anyway. With leather seats and dark tinted windows. I feel like a soccer mom in a sense. The specific car, featured here, I've seen driving around Austin twice now. Once in town and I couldn't believe it. A LEMON ON THE SIDE OF THE SAME CAR AS MINE! HE MUST KNOW TOO WHAT I AM DEALING WITH!! It was confirmation in a sense. That no, I'm not crazy and that yes, these cars do have issues. It was cute. The next time I saw it was on a roadtrip with a friend. He passed it so I could snap a pic. The driver ironically looks identical to my dad. 

UNIVERSE! WHAT'S IT ALL MEAN? tell me. please. 

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